Monday, September 30, 2013

CIA Factbook Yet Again

Once again, it was another sleepy Monday in Human Geo. The class is always so tired first period on Mondays. To get us awake, Mr. Schick would have us answer questions from our CIA Factbook scavenger hunt, and if we got the question wrong, he would throw a foamy apple at us. I didn’t get hit with it which was good. After we went over all the answers from the scavenger hunt, we started to watch a movie called “God Grew Tired of Us.” It was about a refugee camp in Kenya. It’s hard to really tell you about it, because we didn’t get that far into the movie. This was about a country, Sudan, which has entered a civil war. The leaders of Sudan would do terrible things to the Sudanese people. For example, they would take people into huts, and then they would burn them down. How awful is that? This caused the Sudanese people to take off and start a journey to a safe place, otherwise known as a refugee camp.

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