Friday, August 30, 2013

How to be Successful

Five specific ways to ensure that you will have a successful freshman year include, punctuality, trying your hardest, organization, making wise decisions, and treat everyone equally. You need to be punctual, because you need to get to every class on time, as well as school and homework. This will help you be successful because if you are late for class you could get a minor detention, and if you turn in your homework late it will lower your grade. Trying your hardest will really help you be successful, because when you try your hardest it shows in your school work. Organization is key to being successful. Without organization you won’t know what books to take to class or where you are going. Another key factor is making wise decisions. Making wise decisions won’t just effect your school work, it can affect your life. The last thing that I think will make this year successful is treating everyone equally. This will make this year successful, because if you treat everyone the same they will treat you the same way and you won’t have any problems.

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