Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Today in Human Geo, we had the rest of the groups present their religions to us. I took a good amount of notes. I learned all of this:

1.       Name of their God is Brahman
2.       The third largest religion not including atheism
3.       Most live in the subcontinent of India
4.       4 main goals
a.       Dharma
b.      Samsara
c.       Karma
d.      Moksha
5.       Vedas sacred text
a.       Oldest book
b.      About 3000 years old
c.       Contains rhymes, prayers, and magical spells

1.       Teaching the Buddha and holding that a state of enlightenment can be attained by suppressing worldly desires,
2.       The four noble truths
3.       Four Noble Truths
a.        the truth of dukkha
b.      The truth of origin of dukkha
c.       The truth of cession of dukkha
d.      The truth of the math leading to the cessation of dukkha
4.       Dukkha: suffering, anxiety, unsatisfactoriness
5.       Eightfold Path: way to live places right
6.       There are between 300 and 500 million people who are buddhists
7.       Fourth largest religion
8.       Place of worship is a temple
9.       China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia are the biggest parts of the world that practice Buddhism

1.       Teachings, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus.
2.       Largest religion in the world with 2 billion followers
3.       Jesus is God's son
4.       He is human and divine
5.       Main message of that of forgiveness
6.       Bible is the only God
7.       There is only one God
8.       Priest and the pope main professions spiritual leaders
9.       Cross and the Dove symbols

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