Monday, January 6, 2014

Back at School

Today, Monday, January 6, 2014 is the first day coming back from Christmas. A very sad day to the students at John Carroll high school. It is a plus that we got to sleep in an extra two hours due to a two hour delay! The first class is no other than Human Geo!! At first, Mr. Schick showed us we got on the multiple choice portion of our exam. I got an 85% which I am pretty happy with. After we figured out what we got on our exams, we then started on urban geography and that kind of stuff. We learned about cities and the five hands of urbanization. (I really don't think this is what is was called, but I can't really remember!) That's basically all we did in the class. But, I did realize that we will be having a test on my birthday, January 15, which I'm not too happy about.

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