Friday, January 17, 2014

Last Human Geo Class

Today, I was not in the last Human Geo class, which was kind of depressing. I wasn't there because I am on my way to a lacrosse tournament. I am really going to miss the class we have because, it always seemed like we were having a good time together, even thought this might seem weird becasue it is a class. I really enjoyed this class, not only because of the people in it, but we when we were taught things, it wasn't boring. Mr. Schick always did something to try to make the learning more fun! I will miss this class, but I hope i have you for another class sometime in the rest of my JC career. Well this is weird that this is like my last blog EVER! Well goodbye see ya!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Today in Human Geo, I got to wear the birthday hat! The class also sang happy birthday to me. The hat was kinda stinky but that's okay.. After that, we went right back into the video and took a bunch of notes. I am super prepared for this test that I have to take tomorrow and I really hope I get a good grade to end out the semester. It is going to be weird not having Mr. Schick anymore as a teacher. I wish i still did but what you gonna do? I love the people in this class because a lot of them are my friends.. so yeah.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Shine bright like Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond at UCLA and he is a bird watcher. His theory is geographic luck, which is when people in certain areas have more luck. he went to New Guinea to bird watch but found out that the people there were living like it was the Stone Age. People have been living in New Guinea for 40,000 years. It is located between Asia and Australia. It seems they are stuck in the past because of the environment there. Their main food is the sago tree, but the also have tarrow roots. They also have goats and sheep that provide meat, milk, and hair.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, Steel

The Scientist Jared Diamond has a theory about how some cities were more developed than others. I think it is because the advancement in technology was spread in certain parts of the world, but not others. Even though New Guinea was developed way before the Americas, they seemed to not get all of the advancements. They seem to be going about life how they did in ancient times, being hunters and gatherers. The video said that one place that you will be able to find hunters and gatherers is in the rain forests in New Guinea. It's crazy to think how different the world is. At one point the world must have been equal. To be honest, I really don't think we will ever really be able to know for sure what caused this to happen. We will only have our predictions on what caused the world to be how it is today.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Well, yesterday in Human Geo, we talked about Speech and Debate for a good twenty minutes. It is pretty cool what they do. Some of the things seem pretty interesting. I might do it in the years to come, but who knows. After that, we continued to learn about urban geography. To be honest it does really interest me that much, not to sound rude but it doesn't. Well anyways i will see all of you monday. Oh and yay my birthday is in 4 days now!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Yet another Wednesday in human geo

Well today was a Wednesday. Probably my least favorite day of the week. It is WAY to long and I only have one mod off.... mod 9. By the time I am off I am STARVING, and there are only two other freshmen off the same time as me, Adriana Guidi and Hana Patrick. Well, now about Human Geo. The class was pretty sort because we are in a two hour late bell, so we didn't learn too much. We did continue to learn about Urban Globalization. Which was a grand time. I also ended up telling the story on how I almost got lead in my eye. Overall, class was fine, short and simple.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Back at School

Today, Monday, January 6, 2014 is the first day coming back from Christmas. A very sad day to the students at John Carroll high school. It is a plus that we got to sleep in an extra two hours due to a two hour delay! The first class is no other than Human Geo!! At first, Mr. Schick showed us we got on the multiple choice portion of our exam. I got an 85% which I am pretty happy with. After we figured out what we got on our exams, we then started on urban geography and that kind of stuff. We learned about cities and the five hands of urbanization. (I really don't think this is what is was called, but I can't really remember!) That's basically all we did in the class. But, I did realize that we will be having a test on my birthday, January 15, which I'm not too happy about.