Friday, December 6, 2013

Yet another test

Today in Human Geo, we took a test on microfinance. It was really easy surprisingly! We had a really good review which helped me a lot. I really think that I got an A. One answer on the test made me laugh. The question was something like what is one of the problems with kiva. One of the answers was the people in the pictures are really actors. That made me laugh. The class average was a 93% that is pretty awesome if you ask me! SO WOOOHOO GO SECTION 7!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Another Day in Section 7 Human Geo

Today in Human Geo, it was basically a normal everyday human geo class. Mr. Schick presented his power point, that he made to the class. That took up the whole class. After that we just kind of sat around and talked. Jordan was making dumb power point but they were pretty well made. Mr. Schick told her that he was going to try to put the one she made of microfinance on his website, and she got really excited. It's funny how excited she gets over the little things. Well, we don't have class tomorrow so I'll see you on Friday.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Test Questions

1. What are three types of problem delevoping countries are faced with?
A: disease, famine, drought, lack of supplies, poor health care, poverty, pollution, electricity

2. What is a microloan?
A: A microloan is when a person lends a small amount of money to a developing businness. Once the business is running well the lender will receive the money back.

3. What are four common uses for microloans?
A: starting up new businesses, getting products for your business, getting a little kick start on your business, machinery or equipment, furniture or fixtures, money that you can use for your business, electricity, technology, buildings, roads and bridges.

4. How do microloans help?
A: It can provie microentrepreneurs with the capital needed to operate and expand their businesses. The business can have a positive effect on the community and them. It allows small business owners access to insurance. They allow people to switch profession and work in a field that interests them, or atleast intersts them more than the last job.

5. Who gets microloans?
A: Microloans can be loaned to individuals that do no have access to banking services and have low income.

6. What is microfinance?
A: a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacing acces to bankig and relates services.

7.   Which of the following is NOT a problem faced in developing countries?
a. famine
b. drought
c. pollution
d. too many factories
A: d. too many factories

8.  True or false. Microloans can be given out to anyone.
A: False

9.  When the person who recieves the microloan has businness running successfully what do they do?
A: gives money back to the lender

10. Can anyone give out a microloan?
A: YES!!!!!!!!!